2012 2011-2010

Dec. 25, 2012 Junya Kawai (M2) attends Nobel Prize Award Ceremony.

Junya Kawai(M2) attended Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar (sponsored by The Japan Prize Foundation). He had a priceless opportunity to attend many events including Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2012. Only two Japanese students was qualified as the participants every year.

Dec. 21, 2012 Harunobu Mitsunuma (D1) stayed in UC Berkeley for research abroad.

Harunobu Mitsunuma (D1) stayed in John F. Hartwig lab at UC Berkeley as a visiting student (Oct.-Dec. 2012) .

Dec. 12, 2012 Tastuhiko Yoshino(D2) receuved Best Poster Presentation Award.

Tatsuhiko Yoshino(D2) received Best Poster Presentation Award at The 2nd Junior ICCEOCA. Congratulations !

Nov. 12, 2012 Kumiko Yamamoto (M2) received excellent presentation award.

Kumiko Yamamoto(M2) received excellent presentation award (poster) at "Hannou to Gousei no Shinpo Symposium". Congratulations !

Oct. 23, 2012 Our paper is featured on the cover of Chem. Asian J. !!

Our paper titled as "Functional group-tolerant catalytic migratory oxidative coupling of nitrones" (Authors: Hashizume, Oisaki & Kanai) was featured as the cover picture of Chem. Asian J. !

Oct. 2, 2012: Dr. Oisaki received Best Poster Award.

Kounosuke Oisaki (Assistant Professor) received Best Poster Award in ICCOS-2012/FOC-2012.

May 14, 2012: Mr. Mitsunuma(D1) received presentation award.

Harunobu Mitsunuma(D1) received Prensetation Award in 10th Symposium of Organic Chemistry -the Next Generation-. Congratulations !

Apr. 26, 2012: Mr.Hashizume, Mitsunuma, Matsumoto, Wang received Student Presentation Award of PSJ.

Shogo Hashizume & Harunobu Mitsunuma (D1) and Takuya Matsumoto & Yufei Wang (M2) received Student Prensetation Award in 132th Annual Meeting of Pharmaceutical Society of Japaan. Congratulations !

Apr. 9, 2012: Kuninobu GL received The Young Scientist's Prize.

Youichiro Kuninobu (ERATO Group Leader) received this year's Young Scienctist's Prize from MEXT, that is awarded to distinguished researchers younger than 40 years old. Congratulations !



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